March 2010Volume 2 Issue 3 |
In This Issue
For years the Repair Stem Cell Institute has pointed out the failures of Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) research for treatments and the dishonest practices within the US medical system while also bringing you the latest Repair Stem Cells (RSC) victories. Misinformation and confusion on these issues is often exacerbated by the unequal media coverage in the USA. Virtually every news source pushes unproven Embryonic hype while refusing to report the huge number of Repair Stem Cell clinical trials, study results and real life stories. A virtual wall has existed, obscuring the truth and separating reality from fantasy and perpetuated by fiction, ignorance and misinformation.
The tide though, is starting to turn!
RSCI is no longer the only resource for truthful stem cell reporting. Story after story of Embryonic and medical system failures are all over the press recently and the unrelenting flow of Repair Stem Cell victories is now also starting to nudge their way onto the world stage (including the USA)! Let’s start with a review of general failures and general victories and then we’ll delve into some recent significant failures and victories. |
GENERAL FAILURE REVIEWAs time passes, more and more stories of Embryonic Stem Cell failures, pharmaceutical company shadiness and medical system corruption have come to light. · What are the similarities and differences between Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells? · Pros and Cons of Embryonic and Repair (Adult) Stem Cells · SCREW THE EMBRYOS, THEY'RE IRRELEVANT! · Oprah Michael J Fox listen to Dr Oz say: The Stem Cell Debate Is DEAD! GENERAL VICTORIES REVIEWAs time passes, more and more Repair Stem Cell victory stories broke through the nearly impenetrable wall of the US Embryonic media push. There are way too many victories to list!
· And hundreds more here: Stem Cell Victories + Success Stories
The history of Embryonic Stem Cell failures is long and deep. In our last Newsletter: FEBRUARY SPECIAL EDITION where we addressed:
• The Embryonic Stem Cell Hoax • Don Margolis’ Exposure of the $100 Billion Scam • The Exodus of the Top ESC Scientists from ESC to RSC • 22 Articles of Spinal Cord Injury Patients Who Benefited from RSC
With all of this information on Geron’s practices, we ran out of room for two recent stories. One acknowledged as “the largest research fraud in medical history.” This story finally raises the question… THE GERON HOAX – Part 2…FAILUREGeron engineered stem cell application so Obama could announce approval 02/1710By Mark Henderson, Times Online When the US Food and Drug Administration agreed to approve the world’s first trial of a therapy based on human embryonic stem cells just over a year ago, the timing of its announcement was intriguing. But the FDA insisted that the timing was incidental — it had simply ruled on Geron’s application 30 days after it was received, as it was required to do. It now turns out that the timing was more than a coincidence. When I met up with Geron’s chief executive, Tom Okarma, in London this week, he revealed that the announcement was deliberately planned for the immediate aftermath of President Obama’s inauguration. But it was the company, not the FDA, which set this in motion: Geron deliberately timed its application so it would be decided just after President Bush left office, so that the Obama Administration would be able to announce it. Dr Okarma told me: “Many people hypothesised the first time that the lifting of the hold was due to the Administration change. We have no information and no indication that that was the case. We engineered the timing, because our final submission was timed such that the 30-day window occurred after the inauguration of President Obama. That was our design, not really an Administration change. That was our timing. We did not want this to come up under the Bush Administration. We designed it.” Via
CALIFORNIA EMBRYONIC FUNDING…FAILURECalifornia’s Proposition 71 FailureFebruary 2, 2010 “Bioethics: Five years after a budget-busting $3 billion was allocated to embryonic stem cell research, there have been no cures, no therapies and little progress. So supporters are embracing research they once opposed…[Repair Stem Cells]” Via
EMBRYONIC TREATMENT SCIENCE…FAILUREA refresher course on some of the top embryonic scientists, why they say embryonic treatments can’t happen and the science behind why GERON really hit the wall. Did you know that the top embryonic stem cell scientists in the world have walked away from using embryos to develop treatments? For the full story, click here: Via
TRUST IN THE US MEDICAL SYSTEM…FAILURE“It’s being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer’s speakers’ bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals. Now being reported across the mainstream media is the fact that Dr. Reuben accepted a $75,000 grant from Pfizer to study Celebrex in 2005. His research, which was published in a medical journal, has since been quoted by hundreds of other doctors and researchers as “proof” that Celebrex helped reduce pain during post-surgical recovery. There’s only one problem with all this: No patients were ever enrolled in the study!”You may ask: “Amazing as this story sounds, is it true? What are the sources… conspiracy blogs?” Not quite. Sources for this article include Scientific America, the NY Times, Associate Press and the Wall Street Journal:· A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies, Scientific American · Doctor Admits Pain Studies Were Frauds, Hospital Says, New York Times · Mass. doctor accused of fabricating pain studies, Associated Press · Top Pain Scientist Fabricated Data in Studies, Hospital Says, Wall Street Journal Dr. Scott Reuben, it turns out, faked the entire study and got it published anyway. It wasn’t the first study faked by Dr. Reuben…he also faked study data on Bextra and Vioxx drugs, reports the Wall Street Journal. …the peer-reviewed medical journal Anesthesia & Analgesia was forced to retract 10 “scientific” papers…The Day of London reports that 21 articles written by Dr. Reuben that appear in medical journals have apparently been fabricated, too, and must be retracted. He was also fired from his job at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. after an internal audit there found that Dr. Reuben had been faking research data for 13 years. (http://www.theday.com/article/20100…) Commentary by the Director of RSCI, Don Margolis: I have claimed for years that American Medical Journals care not a whit about patients and doctors, but exist only to publish what Big Medicine wants them to publish. What more proof do you need? In my own words: “Every major American medical journal is a doctor-deceiving, patient-killing propaganda machine which PRETENDS its articles are “peer reviewed.” They are what I refer to as ‘Embryonic Whores’ who screw doctors and patients for billions of dollars in profits by ignoring scientific truths, with outright lies, and especially by publishing paid-for anti adult stem cell nonsense such as the New England Journal of Medicine did in September of 2006. Nonsense which fools doctors into lying to their dying patients that "stem cells can't help you!" So they die, murdered by the most corrupt medical system the world has ever seen. Reviewers accept for publication only what they are paid to accept and reject only what they are paid to reject. Along with cooperating media, American Medical Science has kept Repair Stem Cells, the only stem cells that have a proven record of helping people, away from those that need them most…and they will continue to do so until the medical system collapses in the mid 2020s…or sooner. Business as usual in Big PharmaThe real story here is that this is business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Reuben’s actions really aren’t that extraordinary. Drug companies bribe researchers and doctors as a routine matter. Medical journals routinely publish false, fraudulent studies. FDA panel members knowingly rely on falsified research in making their drug approval decisions, and the mainstream media regularly quotes falsified research in reporting the news. Fraudulent research, in other words, is widespread in modern medicine. How are we to trust this system that claims to have a monopoly on scientific truth but in reality is a front for outright scientific fraud? Via Mike Adams, Natural News
STEM CELLS vs. DIABETES MEDIA COVERAGE…FAILUREThe story starts with this comment: “stem cell treatment has enabled patients with type 1 diabetes to go for as long as four years without insulin injections” and then hedges and backtracks so many times that you would almost think this was bad news! http://repairstemcell.wordpress.com/stem-cell-hope-hidden-under-wet-blanket/
SPECIFIC VICTORIESHEART DISEASE vs. RSC TREATMENTS…VICTORY!And yet, the US research and the media are still lagging years behind! Heart Stem Cells Move Closer to Human Treatments‘Patch’ for damaged heart is just one of several promising developments “I think there’s great hope,” added Dr. Darwin J. Prockop, director of the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Scott & White in Temple. Several studies presented last November at the annual scientific sessions of the American Heart Association in Orlando serve as examples. In one study, out of Germany, 35 patients who received bone-marrow stem cell transplantation during coronary artery bypass surgery achieved “excellent long-term safety and survival.” Ten patients who received similar transplantations after repair of mitral valves also fared well, with improvements in the heart’s pumping capacity. Slovenian investigators had similar success, with improvements seen in patients with advanced heart failure who received bone-marrow derived stem cells... Commentary by the Director of RSCI, Don Margolis: But you will never read in any newspaper about a clinical trial conducted by an American stem cell cardiologist-thoracic surgeon named Dr. Amit Patel. Dr. Patel, currently the associate professor of surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Utah, conducted the EXACT same clinical trial in 2003-04 in South America. In this trial, Dr. Patel proved the safety and efficacy of the best human stem cells for treatment of heart disease available at that time, anywhere in the world. The results of the trial were so spectacular; he traveled to Thailand to teach the treatment process to Dr. Kitphan Arom so dying heart failure patients could benefit from them. These cells became the cellular product called “VesCell” and have been used to treat almost 500 patients with 70% success (vs 0% for standard 20th century cardiology). VesCell is still treating patients, still improving the quality of life of those with no hope and still maintaining their rate of success despite constant attacks by American scientists and doctors who refuse to even consider there may be a treatment that can really help chronic heart patients. Instead of helping people, Big Medicine PAYS crooked scientists to publish fake trials, falsified study results and fabricated news articles about how Repair Stem Cells don’t work---and boy, do those results get publicity. For the unvarnished truth about Repair Stem Cells, their safety and efficacy and the scientifically proven results of honest scientists interested on helping patients...
JOURNAL OF HAEMOTOLOGY - 2006 ANGIOGENIC CELL CLINICAL STUDY - 106 CASES - 2005 to 2008 Clinical study at Chao Phya Hospital Heart Center and Siriraj Hospital H.M. Cardiac Center clinical study shows that transcoronary injection of angiogenic cells precursors improved cardiac/left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), exercise capacity and quality of life with high safety profile for 70% of ischemic cardiomyopathy patients with no-option revascularization. CARDIOMYOPATHY
TRIAL - 55 CASES - 2005 to 2006
SANDI EBY vs MS…VICTORY!RSCI has helped to educate thousands about the therapeutic benefits of Repair (adult) Stem Cells. Patients battling debilitating diseases and their families and friends have been empowered on how to take the steps towards making life-improving decisions. Many patients have been helped by RSCI, received Repair Stem Cell treatments and are showing significant improvements.
SANDI EBY IS ONE OF OUR TREASURED RSCI BENEFICIARIES! Here are some notes updating us on how she is doing six weeks after treatment, in her own words:
Last Friday was an absolute almost near perfect day for me. I was walking super strong all day and when I came home for lunch...I was able to walk up my garage stairs w/o using the hand rail. Ok, ok when I built my house I deliberately built it with easy stairs but even then I couldn't navigate them w/o the rails. Wooo Hooo when I went into my house I didn't use the rails....didn't even reach for them. So much for all the people who insisted I had to build my house handicapped accessible 'cuz "you know what MS does". And it would be cheaper to do while building rather than try to do it later. Hmmmm - my usual statement Jesus gave me says it best "don't believe in the disease - believe in ME". AND now I know I will soon be able to easily go up the garage stairs and hopefully soon all other stairs and THEN bleachers w/o help!!!!! Everybody says that I have better color...and lots of people tell me how much better I am walkin'. Some days - I can "feel" the texture of the socks I'm wearing:) b4 it was hard to even tell if I had socks on......yup - I will take whatever little improvement these cells wanna give me!! Thanx guys - blessings always -Sandi MUHAMMAD ALI, PARKINSON’S + RSC…VICTORY!VIRTUAL KNOCK OUT PUNCH DELIVERED BY REPAIR STEM CELLS!After years of waiting for an embryonic stem cell treatment, Muhamad Ali and his daughter are embracing REPAIR STEM CELL treatments as the only way he is going to get better. Thank god! The victory here, prior even to Ali’s treatment and quality of life improving, is that fewer high profile celebs are chasing the Embryonic Stem Cell fantasy. As celebrities are role models for millions, perhaps more and more people will follow their new lead towards Repair Stem Cell benefits, longevity, increased quality of life, reduction of symptoms and more. Michael J Fox, please pay attention! –dg
MUHAMMAD ALI SEEKS REPAIR STEM CELL TREATMENTby Graciemag Newsroom — February 23, 2010. American boxing legend Muhammad Ali will undergo a new type of treatment for Parkinson’s syndrome, a disease that has debilitated his health for decades. The former pugilist’s daughter, Rashida Ali, revealed that her father is keen to try the treatment using [REPAIR] stem cells. “Muhammad Ali’s daughter contacted us after hearing of our work with adult stem cells and assured us her father wants to take part in the tests we are doing.” Will Repair Stem Cell treatment improve Muhammad Ali’s Parkinson’s? Chances are good! See the next victory…
A follow-up study of 50 Parkinson’s disease patients treated with autologous (from their own body) bone marrow stem cells.
· More than 50% of the patients who improved reported decreased tremors while more than 60% experienced better speech. · Approximately 60% of the patients surveyed had their improvement confirmed by their own physician.
Also see: Oz, Oprah, Michael J Fox and Embryonic Stem Cell Research
SUPER STEMMYS – DORIS AND THE SUPERCELLS Super Stemmys, Doris and the Supercells is the first ever children’s story on stem cells. A stem cell named Doris and her stem cell friends must all join forces and work together to repair an ailing heart and defeat Morbidus the Vile.
100% of the proceeds from sales of Super Stemmys, Doris and the Supercells Go to the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI) to help patients.
FUND RAISING STRATEGIES FOR STEM CELL TREATMENTS The “FUND RAISING INNITIATIVE,” created by RSCI Director of Communications and Editor of the Newsletter, David Granovsky, teaches fund raising strategies to patients seeking treatment. Email stemcellfundraiser@gmail.com with the words “FUND RAISING” in the subject line and you will be sent a primer on FUND RASING TACTICS. All are invited to review the FUND RAISING STRATEGIES and all RSCI educational materials free of cost.
RSCI EPILOGUE: Thank you for reading the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s Newsletter! We want to bring you up to date on the new improved stem cell treatments that are available now.
In 2009, the Repair Stem Cell Institute helped thousands to learn about the safe and effective stem cell treatments available to them. Many chose stem cell treatments that the Institute recommended, and perhaps two-thirds of them are well on their way to an improved quality of life. Not only are dozens and dozens of new stem cell protocols in use today which were not being used as of 1/1/2008, but more information is also now available. As an example, for the first time in stem cell history, scientific data proving the miraculous results the world’s first stem cell company has achieved for 400+ no-option cardiovascular patients will be available in 2010, and the Institute will be the first to have the summary data along with abstracts of peer reviewed published papers. Parkinson’s treatments, which have been limited due to difficulty of getting the stem cells to the affected portion of the brain, will see new protocols in early 2010 which will use catheters to implant those stem cells where they will be most beneficial. This protocol may soon apply to stroke and PPMS patients also. Spinal Cord and Cerebral Palsy patients now have choices closer to North America than ever before, while those with Muscular Skeletal disorders such as bone, tendon, cartilage and knee problems can now be treated with Repair Stem Cells in North America. Many of our top stem cell centers have switched from the patient's bone marrow to the patient's tummy fat to provide the strongest stem cells. The Institute has become an all-in-one resource for widespread Repair Stem Cell information and patient education. There is no cost or obligation for our services. We look forward to helping you. If you are interested in learning more about how Repair Stem Cells can better help you or a loved one in 2010, click here. We will start the information flow to you within less than 24 hours.
RSCI is a worldwide public service organization providing access to high-quality stem cell treatment care through education, empowerment and advocacy. RSCI offers individual patient guidance to individuals needing expert and reliable stem cell treatments for chronic and disabling diseases at no cost to the patient. Treatment information, diseases treated, featured articles…and for the beginner, STEM CELLS 101 is a must!
The STEM CELL BLOG was created by RSCI Director of Communications and Editor of the Newsletter, David Granovsky, to increase awareness of the exciting world of stem cells. With over 800 articles, The STEM CELL BLOG is a good place to get started on all things stem cells; science, news, celebrities, religion, politics and treatments. Email don@repairstemcells.com for assistance. The STEM CELL BLOG receives about two dozen emails per day from people asking where to get treated, what is the current status of treatment for their disease, etc. Don Margolis started the first stem cell treatment company in the world for no-option heart patients in 2003, a company which treated its first commercial patients in 2005. In 2008 he started the only stem cell blog in the world dedicated to “Stem Cell Victories.” Hundreds of patients took their health and life into their own hands and were rewarded with life extensions and better quality of life. The donrmargolis.com blog is focused on the individual patients who have been helped by Repair Stem Cell therapy. Hundreds of featured patients with Parkinson's, Diabetes, Spinal Cord Injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease etc. have experienced significant improvements in their condition and quality of life. Articles are searchable by disease or category. And then Don founded the Repair Stem Cell Institute… RSCI Defined RSCI
helps patients with so-called "untreatable" medical conditions make
educated choices and connect with the world’s finest, most advanced stem cell
doctors. RSCI is the world’s only Stem Cell Patient Advocacy company and the only public service organization in the world whose mission is to empower "untreatable" patients and educate them as to how stem cells may (or may not) help them. RSCI helps patients NOW, not 10-30 years in the future. We offer individual patient guidance at no cost to those whom desire access to expert and reliable stem cell treatments for chronic and disabling disease. RSCI does not treat patients; rather, we guide patients toward a better quality of life.
Stem Cells are Safe, Effective & Beneficial! Have you been told Repair Stem Cells are untested, unsafe, ineffective and even detrimental? In fact, the safety and efficacy of Repair Stem Cells ARE proven in over 1000 clinical trials in the US and around the world! The October RSCI Newsletters specifically detail how safe and effective stem cell treatments are. They contain everything you'll need to empower yourself to make life-improving decisions: October 2009 Edition and October 2009 Special Edition
RSCI Standards: As of now there are about 500 stem cell "treatment centers" around the world. RSCI selects only the top treatment centers in the world in order to help patients completely avoid both the incompetent treatment centers and the shell companies that will take your money and vanish. RSCI-Standards
RSCI 2010 Decision Guide: Click Here to download the brand new guide to getting the best available stem cells for you or your loved one.
To take the first step towards improving your (or a loved one’s) quality of life, [CLICK HERE]. You will fill out a form online and get all the information you need about your choice of 150 diseases still considered “untreatable” by most doctors. EMAIL: heather@repairstemcells.com
THE FUTURE OF TREATMENT HERE TODAY! · Heart Disease Data Surpasses All Others! Cellular therapies for heart disease are available with statistical data on patient’s improvements now available that surpass all other treatment result statistics. · Parkinson’s Disease Treatments address Blood Brain Barrier! Cellular therapies for Parkinson’s disease are available now with new improved treatments coming soon that address the Blood Brain Barrier! To find out more on treatments for HEART DISEASE, HEARING or PARKINSON’S, email heather@repairstemcells.com with the word “HEART DISEASE” or “PARKINSON’S” in the subject line. Please include your name and your country in all messages.
Contact USA
Direct Line: |
Margolis, Chairman
www.repairstemcells.com |
www.donrmargolis.com |
Newsletter is for educational purposes only and not to be taken as medical
advice. |