August 20, 2010Volume 2, Issue 8 |
In This Issue
· Playing Politics with Stem Cells
· SuperMom Puts Cardiologists to Shame
· Obama’s USA Diabetics Get Their Toes and Feet Chopped Off
· Fraudulent Clinical Trials by Crooked Doctors
Don Margolis
Bangkok, Thailand
HYPING THE EMBRYONIC HOAXIt was early this spring when one of the leaders of the sham stem cell propaganda club “International Society for Stem Cell Research” (ISSCR) confessed after six years of conning patients about embryonic science fiction. Dr. George Daley of Boston, one of the creators of ISSCR, whose ONLY mission it is to keep Americans suffering without stem cells which actually help sick people, by keeping the embryonic hoax going, recently said: "It took much of the 20th century to figure out how to deliver chemicals as drugs. We should be humble and appreciate it may take us the better part of this century to truly harness the power of cells as medicines." This from a top man in the Big Pharma puppet ISSCR which for years said the cures will be coming out of the pipeline the minute Bush leaves the White House.
It is important you know this before reading this thorough expose’ of the embryonic hoax. Daley has covered his own derierre, but now you can read and learn something about every lying, thieving “doctor” and “scientist” and politician and Hollywood Hoaxer spending your billions, NOT for anything that may ever help you, but for the sole purpose of keeping Repair Stem Cells away from you while they pocket YOUR money.
Playing Politics with Stem CellsBy Gene Tarne and David Prentice
August 08, 2010 When scientists play politics with science, both society and science suffer, sometimes with life-threatening implications. One recent example is Climategate, with revelations that leading global warming researchers played with the data, concealed and tried to suppress data that challenged their assertions and attempted to game the peer-review system. And as a result of scientists caught playing politics with science, claims of man-made global warming have been met with growing skepticism.
But a similar scenario has played out regarding human embryonic stem cell research (hESCR), With the introduction of legislation to codify the Obama administration's rules expanding the federal role in funding hESCR, it's time that the extravagant claims for such research suffer the same fate.
Like Climategate, the public policy debate over hESCR has shown that scientists are not always disinterested parties. Rather, scientists can be every bit as political and partisan as the politicians, selectively using scientific "evidence" to justify their ideological viewpoint.
The patterns of behavior promoting public funding of hESCR have been strikingly similar to Climategate: selective use of data, manipulation of the peer review process, demonizing colleagues who questioned the prevailing orthodoxies and appeals to a bogus scientific "consensus," among others. Those who questioned this supposed "consensus" were dismissed as scientifically ignorant and accused of playing politics with science.
Indeed, President Bush's policy on hESCR was a prime example of what opponents dubbed the "war on science." Their narrative, dutifully echoed by the mainstream media, was that limiting federal funding of hESCR showed Bush was either ignorant or contemptuous of science, willing to play politics to appease his pro-life base.
Obama’s Lies In contrast, President Obama characterized his executive order lifting the Bush-era restrictions as "ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda, and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology."
His remarks were risible. The scientific facts regarding hESCR are remarkably flimsy and incapable of supporting the extravagant claims for such research. Such claims advanced a political agenda -- legitimizing and guaranteeing federal funding for ethically contentious research. For the same political reasons, the increasingly strong evidence of actual therapeutic benefits to patients from ethically non-contentious adult stem cell research was distorted or concealed.
Senatorial Lies Senator Arlen Specter declared that hESCR "could result in a veritable fountain of youth by replacing diseased or damaged cells". Sen. Tom Harkin said in 2005 that apart from Hurricane Katrina relief, the most urgent issue facing the nation was lifting the Bush restrictions on hESCR because "people are dying from diseases and medical conditions that might be cured through embryonic stem-cell research....every day of delay by the Senate has life-and-death consequences." Nancy Pelosi waxed theological, saying "Scientists have been given an almost biblical power to cure through advances in embryonic stem cell research."[i]
Sham Patient Groups (paid by Pharma) Lies Many patient advocacy groups - and celebrities associated with them -- also were not shy hyping hESCR. The Alliance for Aging Research said that it allows us to "imagine a world without debilitating costly diseases such as Parkinson's, heart disease and diabetes." Michael J. Fox flatly stated that hESCR has the "potential to eliminate diseases, literally save millions of lives,"[ii] while Christopher Reeve told a Senate committee, "for the true biological miracles that researchers have only begun to foresee, medical science must turn to undifferentiated [embryonic] stem cells."[iii]
Scientist Lies Scientists themselves-eager for federal research dollars but determined that no one outside the "research community" would tell them what they could or could not do --also joined in. Dr. Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins University testified embryonic stem cells would prove beneficial "for any of these diseases: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, a variety of spinal cord injuries, certain types of diabetes, many others...The only hope on the horizon is through transplantation of these [embryonic] stem cells..."[vi]
National Insitutes of Health (NIH) Lies Then-NIH director Harold Varmus testified that "within the course of the next decade or two... that many -- many diseases would be at least treated, if not entirely cured[iv]" by embryonic stem cells.
Lies by Companies pushing their stock price Michael West, president and CEO of Advanced Cell Technologies, declared embryonic stem cells to be among the gifts "that mankind occasionally is given...that can greatly advance the human condition."[v] For the full article describing HOW and WHY the lies work on YOU: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/08/playing_politics_with_stem_cel.html
IT WAS ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO that an Australian mother took on a world of horribly misinformed cardiologists, doctors who believe they actually knew something about stem cells, when in truth, all they “knew” were lies piled upon lies created by Big Pharma and its puppet sham stem cell society, ISSCR.
Their mission is to convince millions of dying heart patients that they should die quietly rather than demand stem cell treatments which can improve lives and extend them---and the propaganda is working.
Gullible patients fall for the propaganda: “See, there’s a fraudulent doctor treating with stem cells. That means they are ALL fraudulent.” “Look there’s one patient who wasn’t helped. I TOLD you stem cells don’t work!”
Well there is one mother in Australia who didn’t fall for it, because she knows more about stem cells than 90% of Australian (or American) cardiologists. Above all, she knows that standard cardiology kills more patients every week than stem cells will kill in the next century…and she did not bow down and genuflect to those who, in full ignorance, told her and her teenage son that a heart transplant was his only chance.
She appealed to RSCI Chairman Don Margolis to help get Bobby the right stem cells. He asked the world’s most experienced team to consider this most-difficult case and the rest is history.
The boy has progressed since his stem cells, despite serious valve problems (which stem cells cannot yet treat). Progressed is hardly the word. He went from an invalid to a normal athletic teenager in less than a year.
We named him “Bobby” in a previous RSCI Newsletter, so we’ll continue that to protect his identity. Mr. Margolis received this from “SuperMom” (our nickname) in mid-August. (Some private information has been excluded, but every word below is hers):
Hi Don. I hope this email finds you well.
I've just returned from Sydney, which is the other side of the country from where I live. I had researched and then contacted a surgeon to replace Bobby’s valves. This guy believed he could do it and with Bobby having youth on his side, he could survive it. In fact, after seeing Bobby, he was determined to do something.
I'm writing to you to tell you that Bobby left them dumbfounded! They were literally shell shocked to see someone with test results like Bobby's function normally. The surgeon was amazed when he saw how large Lee's left ventricle is and to see it still contracting, he couldn't believe what he was seeing! His words were "It's remarkable; it's enormous yet contracting normally."
We know why that is, don't we Don! It's the Stem Cells and I know they are thinking the same. I knew I had to get him over there to be seen in person and I achieved what I was after. Once they saw him and could see how well he is, they want to do something. Now they know he's worth a shot and his mother is not flogging a dead horse.
I'll let you know if anything comes from it for Bobby but I know they are reconsidering their thoughts on the ability of Stem Cells. I said 2 years ago that Stem cells wouldn't be wasted on my son; I've always known that was the road to take. Take care “SuperMom”
OBAMA’S USA DIABETICS GET THEIR TOES AND FEET CHOPPED OFF -- CUBAN DIABETICS GET STEM CELLS INSTEAD.HAVANA, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Stem cell treatment was successfully applied to 1,478 patients in Cuba from 2004 to 2009, the government said Monday. About 74 percent of those treated suffered from inadequate blood supply to the lower limbs - known as Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) in the USA - and diseases of the blood and lymph vessels unresponsive to conventional therapy, said Porfirio Hernandez, coordinator of the National Group for Regenerative Medicine. There has also been an increase in stem cell treatments in orthopedics and traumatology, he said. Cuba started its stem cell research in 2003, focusing on angiology and heart diseases.
DEAR DON MARGOLIS: Why do you, without any proof, constantly accuse Big Pharma of bribing doctors and scientists to keep Adult Stem Cells from patients. These companies have developed hundreds of drugs that have saved thousands of lives and you try to convince us that they go around bribing everyone in sight.---Mrs. XXX
Dear Mrs. XXX: Because, Mrs. X, that is all they do: BRIBE BRIBE BRIBE!
1---Drug companies kill patients by the thousands with drugs they KNOW are deadly. Vioxx killed 50,000 and to the very end, the bribed murderers at the FDA tried to cover it up.
2---There is a half billion of KNOWN bribes to congress over the past few years which every crook in congress makes sure are “legal.” But don’t take my word for it, Mrs. XXX, just Google: pharma bribes congress and you’ll get one million hits.
3---Even that is trivial compared to what goes on around the world where bribery is normal. A corrupt FDA accepts foreign clinical trials run by bribed doctors to approve drugs that will kill YOU.
Last month RSCI was criticized for saying that EVERY DRUG APPROVAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY WAS BASED ON FRAUDULENT AND CORRUPT CLINICAL TRIALS. Lying doctors castigated us. So now to the lying doctors, we say---read this article while Hippocrates spins in his grave over your type of “medicine,” earning commissions for prescribing never-proven drugs which kill.
NY TIMES Aug 14, 2010 U.S. Inquiry of Drug Makers Is Widened At least a dozen major drug and device makers are under investigation by federal prosecutors and securities regulators in a broadening bribery inquiry into whether the companies made illegal payments to doctors and health officials in foreign countries………………
…….Of even greater concern to prosecutors in the United States are unusually large payments made to foreign doctors who oversee the growing number of clinical trials that drug and device makers conduct abroad, according to Kirk Ogrosky, a former top federal prosecutor who now represents drug and device makers at a Washington law firm. More than 80 percent of the drugs approved for sale in 2008 involved trials in foreign countries, and 78 percent of all people who participated in clinical trials were enrolled at foreign sites, according to a recent investigation by Daniel R. Levinson, the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services. Medical ethicists have long worried that many of these trials are conducted in countries that federal auditors rarely visit and where research controls may be scant.
…… Last month, a federal drug official reported that he found repeated instances in a landmark clinical trial of Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, in which patients taking Avandia appeared to suffer serious heart problems that were not counted in the study’s crucial tally of adverse events.
ENJOY THE REST OF THIS MERE TIP OF THE BRIBE ICEBERG, MRS. XXX: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/14/health/policy/14drug.html?_r=1&hp
It's begun: Obamacare shutters pain treatment Look what president's solution is doing to U.S. health centers
Posted: August 16, 2010 9:13 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Obamacare has landed in Denver, where doctors at a pain-management clinic have been told they must stop treating patients with a successful process that extracts their own adult stem cells, cultivates them and then reinjects them to stimulate growth in damaged limbs. The word of the dispute comes from Dr. Christopher Centeno of the Centeno Schultz clinic, whose Regenexx, or Regenerative Sciences Inc., has been successfully treating patients with the process for several years. Centeno confirms his work provides a much less costly and significantly more convenient alternative to knee or hip joint replacement surgeries, which sometimes require a year or more of recuperation. But the Food and Drug Administration, in the wake of the adoption of President Obama's plan to nationalize health-care decision making, has ordered the company to halt, because the federal agency views the process as making "drugs." (Story continues below)
The FDA announced Aug. 6 that it wanted an injunction in federal court against the company, alleging "violations of current good manufacturing practice." "Regenerative Sciences' cultured cell product is not approved by the FDA, and no adequate and well-controlled studies have been done to demonstrate its safety or effectiveness for any indication," the federal agency announced. (WHILE TURNING ITS BACK ON BRIBED DRUG CLINICAL TRIALS WHICH KILL KILL KILL.) Karen Midthun, acting director for the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in the announcement, "FDA recognizes the importance of the development of novel and promising new therapies. However, when companies like Regenerative Sciences fail to comply with FDA laws and regulations, they put the public's health at risk." GARBAGE, DEAR READER---THE VALIENT STEM CELL PROVIDER CHALLENGED THE FDA UNDER THE LAW, BUT THE GOVT REFUSED TO GO TO COURT. WHY? BECAUSE FIRST THEY HAD TO FIX THE LAW SO OBAMA COULD KISS THE BUTTS OF THOSE WHO PAY HIM TO PROTECT THEIR PROFITS---BIG MEDICINE. WITH 500 BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR CONGRESS-PEOPLE, THAT PART WAS EASY. OBAMA’S GESTAPO CHANGED A LAW TO MAKE IT A CRIME TO HELP PEOPLE RATHER THAN RIP THEM OFF WITH USELESS, TOXIC, OVERPRICED DRUGS. For the full article http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=191177
A FINAL NOTEDEAR DON: As Pat's appendix cancer gradually progresses, we are thinking ahead to his final plans. The abdominal cancer nodules 'left behind' have doubled from last Dec. to June; and some abdominal pain is beginning to occur. He continues to decline chemo--there is nothing new out there, and nothing they've used in the past has significant effect.
He has just registered for hospice care--we know we are 'early', but already it is proving enormously helpful to both of us, adding good people to Pat's team in a number of activity areas, helping us access the Handi-van services, and Fed-Ex door to boat delivery of free medications.
He agreed for me to write you to see if Theravitae/VesCell might want to learn more about the miracle wrought by your treatment more than four years ago. He wants to donate his body for what use it may be to the John A Burns School of Medicine here, and wonders if you would want to try to arrange for any study of his heart, v.v the stem cell implants and all the documented improvements following. At the time they removed his AICD defibrillator (it had run its course, they did say that his ejection fraction was decreasing again, but he still feels his heart is his strongest part, thanks to the stem cell infusion! He would like to contribute to the understanding of just how this treatment worked for someone like him.
I am sure you can find the school on the web (probably www.jabsom.edu ) but I could research which faculty member might be interested/willing to investigate your questions. My current contacts there are in the public health/women's health departments...
Pat is still a Kaiser patient; his latest cardiologist (who told him he 'didn't need a cardiologist any more' as he was so improved by stem cells) was Cyril Leung--it is possible that he would be interested in some aspects of such a study.
Thanks again, for your visionary and revolutionary work; our warm regards to Katie too. Let us know what you think, and any further details we should work out. Love, Sharon (& Patrick)
SUPER STEMMYS – DORIS AND THE SUPERCELLS Super Stemmys, Doris and the Supercells is the first ever children’s story on stem cells. A stem cell named Doris and her stem cell friends must all join forces and work together to repair an ailing heart and defeat Morbidus the Vile.
100% of the proceeds from sales of Super Stemmys, Doris and the Supercells Go to the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI) to help patients.
www.repairstemcells.com |
www.donrmargolis.com |
Newsletter is for educational purposes only and not to be taken as medical
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